Monday, November 10, 2008

4. Nicole Wolfe

" Kevin?" I called. " I'm going there."

" What? Why?" He asked, concerned.

" I want to talk to her." I said pointing at the girl.

Kevin's eyes widened in shock. " Okay, then." He said, snickering.

I walked towards her. I was there in half a second. " Hi, I'm Leon Hale. You are?" The girls at the table stared wide-eyed at me and moved down to the girl.

" I'm Nicole. Nicole Wolfe." she said.

I flashed a smile at her. " Nice to meet you. Would you like to come sit with us?" I asked her smoothly. My voice, velvety, and I pointed to where Kevin was sitting.

" Sure." She smiled and I thought she was an angel. I took her hand and walked at a slow human pace towards Kevin. Hewas grinning all the way.

" This is my brother, Kevin. Kevin, Nicole Wolfe." I introduced.

" Hi, Nicole." Kevin said emotionlessly.

" Hi! Nice to meet you."

" C'mon Nicole, sit." I said.

She sat down. I offered her some food from my tray, she passed. " I know what you are, Leon," She said.

I looked at her questioningly. " And I, you," I answred calmly.

She looked at me surprisingly. " How did you know?" She asked curiously.

I tapped my head lightly. " I can read your mind," I started seriously. " Kevin can predict... well, not so much predict than see the future." I finished, laughing.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself. " Oh."

Kevin stared at her. " You okay?" Kevin and I chorused.

" I'm fine. I didn't know vampires could be so... nice." She said and smiled. I smiled a small crooked smile. Kevin smiled a hard smile.

She giggled. " Would you like to be friends?" She asked.

" Course'." I answered simply. I flashed a quick smile at her.

Kevin's eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything. " What do you mean?" I asked Kevin.

" Leon, can I talk to you? In private?"

I glanced at Nicole and nodded. " Sure."

We walked out of the cafeteria. " Okay, what do you mean, it's too dangerous?" I asked quickly.

" Don't you think it's weird? Leon, you have to tell me what she is!"

" She'sa griffin. Why? She's nice. I like her. Why can't we be friends?"

" She's not like us, Leon. You don't know what her intentions are!"

" Yes, I do, Kevin." I tapped my head, a reminder. " Remember? I'd know if she was goingto do any damage on us. Give her a chance." I paused, waiting for his response. He didn't. " Kevin, please. She is like us. Out of the ordinary. Not human."

Kevin glowered at me. " Fine," He said, resigned.

I smiled a little when Kevin relaxed. " You're the best brother I've ever had!"

" I know I am. Ha-ha!" He chuckled. I laughed with him.

We went back inside the cafeteria and Nicole was there, waiting patiently. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. Kevin's facade was a little too composed. " Chill, Kevin." I said. " Relax."

Kevin sighed and smiled his smile.

" So, Nicole, when did you decide to move to good old Washington? And Forks of all places?" I asked tentatively.

" Well, my parents actually. They're opening a sporting goods store."

" I see. So, how long have you known you were a... You know, griffin?" Kevin breathed. He seemed to choose his words carefully. His words were only an anxious whisper.

" Not long actually. I found out a few days ago," She answered cautiously.

My eyes widened in mocking shock. " I see... A newborn are you?" I asked mockingly. I heard Kevin mutter something that sounded like ' making friends with newborns. So reckless' .

" Yes. I'm a newborn." She giggled. I think she heard Kevin too.

" What was your first phase like? When you changed?" I asked casually, not wanting to pry. " Did it hurt?" I asked anxiously.

" Not at all. Just a little weird is all." She answered simply.

" Oh. Okay then. I guess we'd better get to class now. See you around." I said. Time had passed so quickly. I wonder --- Nevermind. I won't think about that now.

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